Celebrating Two Years of Woodhaven Advisors

Reflections and Gratitude

To all my friends, clients and partners,

As I sit down to reflect on the past two years since the launch of Woodhaven Advisors, I am filled with gratitude and excitement. It has been an incredible journey, both personally and professionally. Together, we have achieved a remarkable milestone, and I am proud of the impact we’ve made.

Growth and Impact: Since our launch in 2022, Woodhaven has grown to support an active client roster of 100+ individuals, spanning career stages and functions, and working in a variety of categories and sectors (technology, education, manufacturing, financial services and government, to name a few). During this time our partner network has flourished, thanks to the addition of talented coaches, advisors, and channel partners. Together, we are making a real difference in businesses, teams, and lives.

Looking Ahead: As we step into the next year, two priorities stand out:

  1. Virtual Bench Expansion: We are committed to growing our virtual bench of coaches and advisors. Whether it’s one-on-one coaching, group sessions, or specialized workshops, our goal is to support clients through various modes. If you’re passionate about coaching and want to join our team, let’s connect!

  2. Training and Facilitation: Woodhaven’s training and facilitation offerings are evolving. We’re focusing on the unique needs of rising managers and leaders. Expect exciting updates in the coming months as we enhance our programs and tailor them to empower professionals at all levels.

Get Involved: If you’re intrigued by our mission and want to be part of our journey, let’s have a conversation. Whether you’re an aspiring coach, educator, or strategic thinker, I’d love to explore how we can collaborate.

Thank you for being part of the Woodhaven community. Here’s to many more years of growth, impact, and shared success!

Warm regards,



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